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Articles and Essays 2024

Trevor Arcadipane
Arcadipane A Tale of Intrigue

A Tale of Intrigue and Alliances:
Cleopatra’s Complex Relationships with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony

Natalya Rowe
Rowe Women of the Republic

Women of the Republic:
Female Influences in the Social History of Ancient Rome

Otis Clarke
Clarke Italian Merchant

“Si concordes fuissent”:
The Italian Merchant Communities during the Siege of Acre (1291)

Amanda Stone
Stone Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc:
The Evolving Image of Heroic and Female Agency

Richard M. McGee
McGee Religion War and Native America

Religion, War, and Native America:
The Causes of the 1692 Salem Witchcraft Trials

Scott Terlouw
Terlouw Among Our Own Selves

“Among our own selves”:
Molly Houses and the Formation of Georgian England’s Queer Community

Connor Etheridge
Ethridge Warping the Black Cross

Warping the Black Cross:
The Ideological Portrayal of the Teutonic Knights from 1190 until Today

Sarah Snyder
Synder Lesbians in Modern England

Lesbians in Modern England:
Escaping Legislation Through Indefinability

Rielly K. Orrell
Orrell Those Children Did Not Reach Home

“Those Children Did Not Reach Home”:
The British Empire’ s Legacy in Canada’s Residential Schools from 1830 until Today

Jillian Devine
Devine Communism in Art

Communism in Art and Religion in Squares:
Kazimir Malevich’s Suprematism in Russia Since 1915

Isaiah Colton Thompson
Thompson Sanctorum Communio

“Sanctorum Communio” Abroad:
Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Vision of a Transnational Church in Rome, Barcelona, and New York

Benjamin Kiler
Kiler Hood Politics

Hood Politics:
The Panthers, the Police, and the History of Guns as Tools of Black Resistance

Michael Salazar
Salazar On the Absence of Latino Participation

On the Absence of Latino Participation in Aquatics:
Historic and Socioeconomic Barriers at Municipal Pools in Southern California

Monique Garcia
Garcia A Stain on Sweden's History

A Stain on Sweden’s History:
Compulsory Sterilization and the Eradication of Misfits

Rachel Jensen
Jensen Something Rotten

Something Rotten:
The Danish Government’s Shift toward Restrictive and Xenophobic Policies
in the Twenty-First Century

© The Welebaethan: A Journal of History. All Rights Reserved. Last Published 06/30/2024.

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